
Village of Hope for Orphans and Needy Children

The crew that dug the foundation by hand!The crew that dug the foundation by hand!
Brother B stands before the ground that will soon hold his visionBrother B stands before the ground that will soon hold his vision
The Village wall preparation has started.The Village wall preparation has started.

Building a village

Building a village for the orphans is a proposed project to provide a safe and secure environment for the less fortunate children in need of a home. The village will comprise of many components such as a church, dorm for the orphans, an elementary and secondary school, vocational training as well as a health care center that will meet the children medical need to become healthy and productive citizen. Haiti is known as the poorest country in the hemisphere. This situation has gotten more critical and worse for the poor and the underprivileged, after the catastrophe of January 12, 2010, where Haiti had been affected by the worse Earthquake. It is stated by many international organizations that malnutrition among children is increasing tremendously. To support their statement, we, at Voice of the Children Orphanage have notice among the children enrolled in our care many cases of children with chronic and acute malnutrition according to their medical report. Although we have been working very hard to assist these orphans but, our resources are very limited.

We must act now in order to prevent a wide spread of cases and address the issue promptly to save the children and make a difference in their lives. The purpose of these components is vital:

  • First and foremost, the children must be exposed to the work of God, the central and pivotal part of their life. The children must participate in all church activities, such as Bible studies, daily devotion, prayers sessions and all other related activities to enable them to grow spiritually and have the fear of the Lord, to be able to do what is best for them.
  • The dorm will be available to accommodate the children. It will be divided in quarters for boys and girls according to their ages. Each quarter will be supervised by a \""mother\"" who will be responsible to care for them. Discipline them whenever it is necessary. The mothers will nurture the children by showing them LOVE, COMPASSION and UNDERSTANDING


The school will be built according to the standard established by the Department of Education of Haiti. An engineer who is qualified in school building construction will be hired to draw the plan. Later on, the floor plans will be submitted to the appropriate offices for their approval. The school will comprise of: the Director office, a secretary, ten classrooms, a cafeteria, a library, a computer room, a janitor\'s room, a depot / a storage room, etc.

A hot nutrition meal will be served daily to the children in our effort to reduce the rate of percentage of children suffered with chronic malnutrition. We propose to enter into an agreement with a community health center for other Pediatric need of each individual child.

The fact is, one in every eight children died before age 5, while those who survive have a life expectancy off less than 50 years.

Deaths from preventable and easily treated diseases are endemic and those few health services that do exist are not affordable to most of the deeply impoverished Haitian population.

In Haiti, level of poverty is not just lacking enough food it is not having any.

No food, no clean water, no medical care. This is a poverty that causes death.

The school will operate Monday thru Friday having two sessions. AM and PM with a capacity of an average of 350 children age to 6 to 12 year old. The school will follow the school curriculum approved by the Education Department and will use all educational materials based on grade specifications.

The staff will be hired using the same qualifications required by the Department of education, in order to provide the best education to the children, as necessary. The staff will not only educate the children, but they will access their ability and make recommendations based on the evaluation of each individual child. Each year, the children will be evaluated to test their learning ability and make necessary recommendation.

Vocational school

We believe strongly that each individual child upon reaching the age of 18 years old should be ready to enter the real world of life with the necessary skills needed mentally, physically and intellectually to the best of their ability. The children will be exposed to many manual skills and will be given opportunity to choose and make their own choices. A counselor will be available to assist them in their decision.

Vocational training will not be optional but mandatory. Each child must be enrolled in one of the trade available and they will be given a grace period to select another trade, after meeting with their counselor. We recommend the following trades:

  1. Carpentry
  2. Electricity
  3. Plumbing
  4. Refrigerator
  5. TV/ VCR / Radio repairs
  6. Computer repairs
  7. Information / logistics
  8. Secretary Administrative
  9. Bookkeeping
  10. Cooking and baking
  11. Gardening
  12. Dress Maker
  13. Auto Mechanic etc

All the above will become available gradually.


The church facility will be built to accommodate 750 to 1,000 people within the communities to come to worship the Lord. The orphans will not only receive their daily Bible study in classroom but also other church activities will be scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays to reinforce what they have learned in classroom and to put more emphasis on the word of God.


This initiative has been implanted in many countries where the children become part and contribute to their country Gross National Products (GNP). By cultivating product that can be use to satisfy their needs and / or to be sold to generate income. For that purpose, we propose either to lease or to purchase two (2) or three (3) acres of land that could be reserve for plantation to grow, for example, corn, potato, rice, green plantain and vegetables to raise pigs, goats and chicken for eggs and meat; all to the benefits of the children well being.


The bakery will serve two (2) purposes;

  1. It will provide daily breads for the children
  2. It will be a source of income for the village by selling breads and other baked goods at a whole sale to the communities. This is a basic necessity because this service is not available yet and breads are vital component in human daily consumption.

Equipment will be needed and technical assistance and support are necessary to implement this project. Please, help us to make it possible.

The Missionary Dorms

Will comprise of two stories building each one will have 8 single rooms and 8 double rooms in order to accommodate and receive missionaries who are willing to come to provide their support to the orphans in whatever areas they can serve the best. The need for young and adults missionaries will be tremendous. We come to make an appeal to the Christians world that their help is needed in many areas. Evangelism, mentoring, vocational support, medical services, Teachers, Home builders, Carpenters, Plumbers, Electricians, farmers ect., to name a few.

Please, come and make a difference in the life of the underprivileged and poor children and for the most part the orphans by sharing your love with them and showing the love of Christ in you. For His glory.

NOTE:  Two acres of LAND has been donated by the Jean Claude Belizaire (Bro B) to Build the village. This Land was purchased by him 19 years ago with the sole purpose in mind to use the land for the children who will come to the City Port au Prince to continue their higher Education. Today the land will be used for the Orphans to give them a permanent home. The deed of the land has been transferred to Voice of the children orphanage to serve as a legal document to the organization.




  2. - Waiting area
  3. - Receptionist office
  4. - Administrative secretary
  5. - Administrator
  6. - Executive Director
  7. - Conference Room
  8. - Room for 3 desks
  9. - Room for 2 desk
  10. - Storage and copy Room
  2. - Classrooms - 16
  3. - Computers Room
  4. - Library
  5. - Cafeteria / Kitchen
  6. - Office - Director , Secretary
  7. - Laboratory room
  2. Soccer
  3. Basket ball,
  4. Baseball
  5. Ping pong table, to name a few.

((2 Stories / 4 Bunk beds per room)



(2 Stories / 4 Bunk beds per room)

  2. Carpentry
  3. Computers repairs
  4. Mechanic
  5. Electricity
  6. Plumbing
  7. Kitchen Art
  8. Sewer
  9. Art and craft
  • 6 Single rooms with individual restroom
  • 6 double rooms with individual restroom
  • Occupancy with central A/C
  • Cafeteria / kitchen

Will serve two purposes:

  1. breads for daily consumption for the children
  2. Source of income for the village by selling breads and other baked goods.

NOTE. - Location: Chambrum (Thomazeau) 2 acres of Land